Working from Home: Stout Heart’s Morning Routines for Productivity

Apr 20, 2020

It has been just over a month since our ‘work-from-home’ lifestyle change and it has been an adjustment, even for the Stout Hearted who normally work from home on Mondays and Fridays. As many of you have probably already heard and/or experienced, there is quite a bit of research that speaks to the correlation between our morning routines and daily productivity. That said, we know that productivity can be hard to come by when all the days start to meld together and you’re not sure if it’s Tuesday or… errh Thursday? The Stout Hearted have found that keeping a routine has played a part in getting our minds ready for the day ahead. So, in the spirit of being productive, we have compiled a list of three things that each of us does every morning [or most mornings] in hopes that it might inspire your routine as well.

*Note: Our difference in personalities/stages in life really shine through here so if you laugh, just know that we’re laughing too!

From Anneliese:

  • Immediately get the dog out and go for a run. (The run has to happen first thing or else it will. not. happen.)
  • Practice at least 1o-15 minutes of yoga/breathwork +/or meditation.
  • Make my favorite mushroom ‘coffee’ and breakfast.

From Mariah:

  • Wrestle my way out of maternity pillow.
  • Debate with my toddler whether we make blueberry or chocolate chip pancakes.
  • Wonder what I can eat for breakfast on my gestational diabetes diet.

From Lindsay:

  • Listen to a podcast while I walk my dog. Lately, it’s been Press Send Podcast, which is like Dear Abby for Millennials.
  • Make breakfast and coffee.
  • Free write for 20 minutes (this one’s a bit more aspirational than reality).

From Jared:

  • Repeat: Today is [day of the week], [day] [month], [year]. My name is [name]. I have two pets named [name] and [pet name].
  • Drink a cup of tea.
  • Work on a crossword.

From Amanda:

  • Watch the news while eating breakfast, switch the channel to Seinfeld after I’ve had my 10 minutes fill of news for the day.
  • Make a healthy lunch for later.
  • Drink coffee before my commute to the ‘office’.

As you can see, we all have our own ways of getting the day started. It’s important to find what works for you and stick to it. Consistency is key. Inc a few good suggestions for improving your daily routine, here.

Do you have a good ritual that we should be adding to our moring? We’re all ears. Share it with us on Instagram!